StressOut Press Contact

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  • Game Logos
  • Studio Logos
  • Screenshots
  • Gifs
  • MP4s
  • Story Ideas

Get in touch with us

We love to chat with everyone, especially about the game. If you want to know about the team or are interested in what's happening behind the scenes with game development, Romano will find out everything you want to know. Get in touch at

Out of thousands of games, what makes StressOut different?

It's the game you want to show to your friends who never tried VR. Why? Well, you can create chaos in a shopping center while using superpowers. And they can break things as much as they want, while you're watching them have a lot of fun doing it. Our guarantee is that your friends won't break anything else in your apartment. If they do, we want to know about it!

The fun part of StressOut comes from its usage of technology. It's one of the first, if not the first game that doesn't just use finger tracking only for aesthetics but for practical reasons as well. For example, opening a hand brings objects toward your palm and pointing a finger launches the item.

The best part is, it coincidentally works with all SteamVR devices, as it supports the basics we need. But of course, Valve's Index is in premium position due to leading finger tracking.

What's in it for me?

Writing stuff isn't easy, it's hard work and we know it. That's why you'll not only get a ton of logos, screenshots, and gifs, but also a list of features and a couple of fun stories about StressOut. Those stories will perhaps give you an inspiration, but you can use or edit them in any way you like. We would be glad if you can share your stories, articles or news about StressOut with our chief PR officer:

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